
Showing posts from January, 2018

Images from set while filming (47)


Final - Song choice (46)

The song that I am using for my music video is 'Losing Your Memory' by Ryan Star which doesn't have an official music video. This means that I can't see what interpretation for a video others have created for the song and the video I create for it will be completely inspired by how I have interpreted the lyrics, and how I envision a video for this song would be like. Although the song I have chosen doesn't have a music video, some of the artists other songs do. All of these videos are different, however most do have a common theme.  Song - Impossible Song - Bullet Song - Don't Give Up Song - We Might Fall Each of the videos include a performance element with either the singer or whole band in the video. This is one link which I will not be having in my music video due to the fact that I feel that a performance element will take away from the emotion I wish to display in my video. The videos also tend to be either in black and white

Final - Settings (45)

No changes have been made to the settings since the planning post so I am working on from that.

Final - Prop List (44)

No changes have been made to the prop list since the planning post so I am working on from that.

Final - Costume and Make-up (43)

No changes have been made to the costume and make-up since the planning post so I am working on from that.

Final - Character(s) and Casting (42)

No changes have been made to the character(s) and casting since the planning post so I am working on from that.

Final - Script/Stage directions/Synopsis (41)

No changes have been made to the stage directions/synopsis except for the inclusion of the daughters death. I decided to add this scene in as I felt that in the video it wouldn't be clear to the audience where the daughter had gone. By adding this scene in it means the audience understands that the daughter is dead and it explains why the father is grieving and looking at the photos from past memories. 

Final - Storyboards (40)

Since the planning post I have made a few changes to my storyboard by adding in the death of the daughter. I felt that my original plan didn't explain to the viewer well enough what had happened to the daughter and why the father was so devastated. I decided to incorporate the daughter getting hit by a car so that her death was more easily explained to the viewer. -Location at  High Ash Road, Ketteringham, Norfolk -Daughter shown walking along the street in late afternoon (tracking shot, mid shot and close ups)  -A car will be seen driving along the road very fast (mid shot and close ups)  -The daughter will also be seen beginning to cross the road in front of the car (mid shot, close up and extreme close up)  (Photo represents death) -The daughter will be shown after the car has hit her with her being shown dead on the street. (high angle and close up) Editing For the editing of these scenes I will be using a lot of short takes and quick cuts from

Final - Idea based on all planning (39)

Based on all the research and planning posts what is your final idea for a music video? After doing all my research and planning I have decided against going with my first idea for a music video, which was to do a video for the song Nightmares by the band All Time Low. My original idea was to have a young man go into a abandoned house after being dared to spend the night there after being dared to by his mates. He would walk around the house when he hears a noise and we would see him running away in fear. As he turns the corner he (through editing and cutting away) transitions into a young boy (10 - 12 years old). We see the boy  exploring the house and hiding every time he hears a noise/sees something and acting like a frightened child. The boy is then seen running into the drawing room when he sees a teenage girl dressed in white in the centre of the room (A ghost in a white dress wearing ballet shoes). She stretches out her hand to the boy who tentatively takes it. She makes the b

Comparing other blogs (38)

Emily's blog   One blog that I think is particularly good is Emily's. On her blog she has used a rang of different medias in her posts (videos, pictures, writing, graphs). As you can see from this screen shot she has used a mix of videos and writing when illustrating which directors have influenced her for her music video. I like how Emily uses videos and photos to expand on her written planning and research posts. This helps to further demonstrate and explain everything she has written and gives a different way for people to understand what she is saying through the use of these different medias. This is good level 4 work as she is showing an excellent use in the skill of digital technology as well as showing detailed research and care in the presentation of her work.   I also like how she has used graphs and statistics when looking at the audience research. This is something which I haven't before consider using on my blog and I can see how it helps to get the informa