Comparing other blogs (38)

Emily's blog 

One blog that I think is particularly good is Emily's. On her blog she has used a rang of different medias in her posts (videos, pictures, writing, graphs). As you can see from this screen shot she has used a mix of videos and writing when illustrating which directors have influenced her for her music video. I like how Emily uses videos and photos to expand on her written planning and research posts. This helps to further demonstrate and explain everything she has written and gives a different way for people to understand what she is saying through the use of these different medias. This is good level 4 work as she is showing an excellent use in the skill of digital technology as well as showing detailed research and care in the presentation of her work.  

I also like how she has used graphs and statistics when looking at the audience research. This is something which I haven't before consider using on my blog and I can see how it helps to get the information across in a more clear manner than explaining it would. This again shows the level of detail in Emily's posts and helps people reading the posts the see the information in a different format.This again suggests that Emily is working at a level 4 as her work is being shown in a clear, presentable way with great detail.

Wendy's blog

Another blog which I felt was really good was Wendy's. Her posts include a vast amount of detail which some of my post I feel lack sometimes. Each of her posts includes vast detail explaining what she is doing as well as explaining in great detail about the little things. For example, in her post about director style she talks about they particular style she wishes to use but also how the directing of mise-en-scene, sound, cinematography, editing and acting all effect the style of directing she will use. This level of detail certainly shows how her blog is at a level 4 though the amount of detail and also the clear presentation of it all though the use of headings and subheadings. 

Just like Emily, Wendy also includes a wide range of media in her posts which again reflects the amount of detail she puts into each post. She includes a wide range of video's, photos, mind maps and writing all to help demonstrate her vast planning and research. This again shows how her blog is working at a level 4 through the skill shown with digital technology as well as the presentation of it all.
Both these blogs as very good in different ways and both are clearly working at a level 4 with the amount of detail, the range of media and the skill shown with digital technology. When comparing these blogs to mine I can see how there are certain things which I could do better to achieve the highest that I can. Improving my level of relevant detail on posts is one clear thing that I can do. Emily and Wendy especially shows vast amounts of detail in the posts that clearly show they know what they are doing and that they have done their research and planning in great detail. The clear presentation of this mixed with graphs, photos and videos to back up what they are saying only help to reinforce the knowledge that they are demonstrating through their blogs.  


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