Audience Research (23)

What are you trying to find out in your research?

In my research I am trying to discover many things which will help me in developing my A2 coursework. The main thing I am trying to discover is whether people still consume music videos and what the age range is of people who consume them. I am also trying to discover what other media products people consume and if they think that my idea for a music video is a good one or if i should change elements of it. 

When conducting my research I went out into Wymondham town to ask people the questions as apposed to just asking people in the sixth-from. There are many strengths to doing this, the main being that it gives me more reliable data. In the sixth-form there are only students and teacher so just asking them my research questions limits the demographic response of my data to just students and teachers. By going out and conducting my research in Wymondham town it gives me a wider range of different people and thus widens my demographic response to my data and also makes my data more reliable and representative.  

However there are also limitations to going out and conducting my research in the town. The main limitation being that people are more likely to refuse taking part in my research. In the sixth-form most people tend to know each other and are more willing to help out and answer questions for my research than strangers are in the street. People in the sixth-form also tend to not have much going on during their frees and so are willing to help than people in the street who are often in town for a purpose (shopping or heading somewhere). This means they are less willing to spare some time to answer my questions. Finally, we are planning on conducting this research during school time which means the demographic of people who will be in Wymondham town will be limited to those who either don't work/are retired or aren't in school (children). This means I wont have as wide a subject choice to collect research from and my so my data wont actually be very representative.  

What questions will you ask?

The questions which I decided to ask people for my research were:
  1. What media products do you typically consume?
  2. Do you tend to watch music videos or film? why?
  3. What media platform do you watch these on?
  4. How do you find out about music videos/films?
  5. Does a music video make you want to by the artists music/CD?
  6. What do you think about my music video idea? Is there anything you think I should change?
What age bracket will you focus on?

For my research I will focus on teenagers and young adults as they are the typical audience for music videos. For my music video I will be aiming it more towards older teenagers and young adults due to the emotionally heavy narrative which I have planned. By tailoring my research more to this demographic it should help in providing me with data which is more useful to me in creating a music video which this target audience would watch. Having a wide range of people interviewed however will help me in understanding which generations and what kinds of people watch music videos and what makes them want to watch them in the first place. 


  1. Nice range of questions Katherine. Starting broad and becoming more specific when focusing purely on your own coursework idea. Well done.


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