Feedback on your rough cut (50)

Feedback on rough cut 
After showing people my video the response that I received was very positive with many people finding the video very emotional which is what I wanted. Many people liked my video and thought that the narrative fitted well with the song to create an emotional and moving video.

Some of the feedback that I did receive was to add a filter onto the memory footage so that there was a clear distinction between real time and the memories. People liked the transition with the photos and the memories but felt that some kind of filter would help add more of an emphasis that these scenes are memories.
I was also told that I should change one of the shot during the scene when daughter gets hit by the car. During one of the scenes you can see that the driver is wearing a wedding ring which is similar to the one the father wears in the video. I was advised to cut that scene out so that people wouldn't think that it was the father running the daughter over and that it was instead a random stranger.

After receiving the feedback I first went to research different scenes in film and TV that use either flashbacks of memories so I could get a sense of what filters they use on the footage to create the effect of memories. When editing, I want to make the footage look more like memories while not messing with the footage too much. Memories are a recollection of actual events while dreams are visions of things that haven't actually occurred. I want to edit my footage so it looks more like a memory but not so much that it looks like a dream. 

Sherlock getting shot
The first scene I looked at was in the TV series Sherlock when he gets shot and enters his mind palace. To create the illusion that he isn't in reality we can see how the editors have enhanced the footage and added strips of bright light to appear within the corners of the frame to give the sense that what is happening is occurring in Sherlocks' head. 

Doctor who memories of Gallifrey
The next scene I looked at came from the TV series Doctor Who when the Doctor is reminiscing on the past in Gallifrey. Within this show we can see how the footage had subtly been enhanced and the use of having the flames burning in front of the child's face provides the same sense that this is a memory as the strips of lights do within the scene in Sherlock.

Titanic ending 
The final scene I looked at came from the film Titanic when rose is dreaming about being on board the ship again at the end of the film. Again we can see how this footage has been enhanced and brightened to give the scene an idealistic look and to make it seem more dream like and less like reality. The use of having lots of bright lights also helps to show the audience that this is a dream by showing the setting the be bright and perfect which is often not what reality looks like.

After looking at these three clips I got a real sense of what types of effects to add to my footage in order to make it look more like memories. I can see that I need to enhance my footage and make it brighter and give it more of a warm glow. This will help to make the footage look idealistic and perfect which is how people often remember things. They remember them in a good way, as if they were perfect rather than how they actually were. I also know that I should add some kind of light within the footage like shown within the Sherlock clip. This will help to emphasis that this is a memory to the viewer. 


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