
Showing posts from March, 2018

Final Ancillary Task Two (52)


Final Ancillary Task One (51)

For the album cover I decided that I didn't want to stick to the typical conventions of an album cover for solo artists. Because I decided against having any performance elements in my music video, I felt that instead of using a picture of the artist I should instead have a piece of artwork as the album cover. The title of the album, when first looking at it made me think of an individual having pieces of their memories coming out of their head. I also got the idea of an individuals head exploding with the smoke representing their memories which are escaping. These are some pictures which inspired my album cover. I decided against going with someone loosing just pieces of their memory and decided instead to create someone with their head exploding, like all their memories are flooding out. After doing a little research I decided that I wanted the individual on the album cover to be dressed smartly and for the explosion to be colourful. I felt that this would be very eye catchin

-Ancillary task 1 practise-

Here is my practise at making the digipack for my coursework. I used a collection of photos which I had taken whilst filming and put them together to make the front and back cover as well as the inside front and back cover. From my audience research I found that the majority of people felt that the four images of the digipack should have a collective theme and after doing this I agree. By have the collective theme of nature here it helps to unify the album cover and makes it look less clumsy and unprofessional then something that didn't have a collective theme. Although what I have created won't necessarily be used as my final digipack cover, by practising creating this I have more of an understanding on what fonts and designs I wish to use for my final CD cover. It has also helped me to understand the importance of font colour as some of the lyrics on the inside front cover as hard to read. This is all good preparation for when I make my final digipack as I will have learnt f

Exam prep question

Discuss the representation of youth in contemporary film and television Plan One way in which youth are represented in film and television is as being let down by adults. This often occurs in two ways, through the family and through the education system. A Time Magazine article 'Britain's Mean Streets' stated how 'parents aren't always around to help socialise their children - or even just show them affection.' This is very clearly shown in Fish Tank as Mia is shown to be brought up in a single parent family with only a 'damaged mother' and 'no dad in the picture' to help socialise her. Primary socialisation through the family is thought to be vital in a child's development and so the lack of that received by Mia shows how her parents have let her down and caused her to not be prepared for society and the wider world. The one parent she does have is presented as being very inadequate as a parent, focusing more on her own happiness a

Feedback on your rough cut (50)

Feedback on rough cut  After showing people my video the response that I received was very positive with many people finding the video very emotional which is what I wanted. Many people liked my video and thought that the narrative fitted well with the song to create an emotional and moving video. Some of the feedback that I did receive was to add a filter onto the memory footage so that there was a clear distinction between real time and the memories. People liked the transition with the photos and the memories but felt that some kind of filter would help add more of an emphasis that these scenes are memories. I was also told that I should change one of the shot during the scene when daughter gets hit by the car. During one of the scenes you can see that the driver is wearing a wedding ring which is similar to the one the father wears in the video. I was advised to cut that scene out so that people wouldn't think that it was the father running the daughter over and that i

Rough cut (49)

Here is my rough cut for my A2 coursework.

Post-filming video diary (48)

Overall I felt that filming went very well and although I had to reschedule some filming I managed to get all the shots I required. Below is my video diary of how each day of filming went along with some clips of the footage that I got on the days. Video Diary