Planning - Setting (27)

Setting is the place or type of surroundings where something is positioned or where an event takes place. When applying this to film setting is very important in providing a backdrop to action which takes place. Settings helps to convey a certain mood or feeling for filming and is one of the most important aspects in filming. 

For my music video there are a number of locations I want to use to portray my narrative. These include Thetford forest, the beach, a field, a bedroom and a garden. These settings will help to create a neutral and calm backdrop for all of the action which takes place in these locations. By having locations that aren't intrusive means that the attention wont be drawn away from the characters and their feelings and actions during the music video. The two most important settings which will feature in my music video are the beach and the teenagers bedroom. In the lyrics a beach is mention which is why I incorporated this setting into my video. At the beginning the beach will show the last moments of the father and daughter being together and at the end it will show the father finally accepting his daughters death and saying goodbye to her. Having this location both at the beginning and at the end of the video will give a sense of closure to the video and the narrative which takes place during it. The importance of the teenagers bedroom though is to act as a gateway to all the memories which the daughter and the father had together. The bedroom has all the photos which the daughter has taken and so when the father picks up certain photos and looks at them, a memory from that moment will appear. This is important to help explain the close father daughter relationship to the audience and also to make the video as a whole more cathartic to watch.


Thetford forest
This location is important as it serves as one of the memories which the father and daughter have together. Throughout the video I wish to show numerous memories with the father and daughter and I have chosen this location to serve as one of these memories due to how aesthetic the location is. This location will be used to show one of the happy times the father and daughter have spent together and by using this beautiful location it will help to make my video aesthetically pleasing to watch.  
Beaches (specifically with good rock pools)

Beaches with dunes 

Both these locations at the beach will be very important in my music video. As I mentioned before this location will be used both at the beginning and the end of the music video. The beach is often associated with happiness which will be demonstrated in the first scene however, during the last scene where the father will be shown as very emotional and grieving the loss of his daughter. This juxtaposes the typically atmosphere of the location and helps to create more of a catharsis for the audience as the video shows how times have changed.

Teenagers bedroom (specifically my friend Lucy's)

This location like the beach is very important to the music video. The location will act as a gateway to all the memories which the daughter and the father had together which the audience will get to see through flashbacks. This location is vital to the music video as it first helps to demonstrate the father daughter relationship to the audience. It also helps to make the atmosphere for the music video very solemn and emotional as we see the father reflecting on the past when his daughter was alive and how thing wont ever return to how they were before. 

This location like Thetford forest acts as the backdrop for one of the happy memories that the father and daughter had together. At this location the daughter and father will be seen in happy times, walking the dogs and generally enjoying life. It is just a small memory which will be shown in the video but it will act as a window into the life of the father and the daughter for the audience to see. By showing lots of these little memories of the father and daughter it helps to build an atmosphere of love and family to the viewer and helps to make the video all the more emotional when we see how badly the father is dealing with the loss of his child.


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