Planning - Casting and Characters (28)

Characters profile Basic info Name: Morana Rose Stark Age: 26th May 2000 (17 years old) Parents: Alec James Stark, Bethany Wilson Personality/backstory At the age of two her mother left resulting in her being raised by her father alone. As she became older she started to become very interested in photography and capturing memories in the form of a photograph. She would capture moments with her father and with her friends and hang them in her room. This was so she could always see and remember the good times she has had. As well as being interested in photography she is also a big animal lover and has two pet rabbits and two dogs which she cares for along with her father. She isn't fond of cats or sports. Physical description She likes to wear jumpers and hoodies, particularly in the colours green, yellow and red. She often wears subtle make-up and has long brown hair which she likes to wear up in different braids. She is often seen wearing a ring on a necklace aro...