
Showing posts from November, 2017

Planning - Casting and Characters (28)

Characters profile Basic info Name: Morana Rose Stark Age: 26th May 2000 (17 years old) Parents: Alec James Stark, Bethany Wilson Personality/backstory At the age of two her mother left resulting in her being raised by her father alone. As she became older she started to become very interested in photography and capturing memories in the form of a photograph. She would capture moments with her father and with her friends and hang them in her room. This was so she could always see and remember the good times she has had. As well as being interested in photography she is also a big animal lover and has two pet rabbits and two dogs which she cares for along with her father. She isn't fond of cats or sports. Physical description She likes to wear jumpers and hoodies, particularly in the colours green, yellow and red. She often wears subtle make-up and has long brown hair which she likes to wear up in different braids. She is often seen wearing a ring on a necklace aro

Planning - Setting (27)

Setting is the place or type of surroundings where something is positioned or where an event takes place . When applying this to film setting is very important in providing a backdrop to action which takes place. Settings helps to convey a certain mood or feeling for filming and is one of the most important aspects in filming.  For my music video there are a number of locations I want to use to portray my narrative. These include Thetford forest, the beach, a field, a bedroom and a garden. These settings will help to create a neutral and calm backdrop for all of the action which takes place in these locations. By having locations that aren't intrusive means that the attention wont be drawn away from the characters and their feelings and actions during the music video. The two most important settings which will feature in my music video are the beach and the teenagers bedroom. In the lyrics a beach is mention which is why I incorporated this setting into my video. At the beginning

Planning - Script/Stage Directions/Plot Outline (26)

Plot outline The narrative for the music video would be a single father and his teenage daughter have gone out one afternoon to the beach in autumn. When they return home though the daughter decides to go out for a walk but she doesn't return that night. The next morning the police come by and inform the father how his daughter had died after being hit by a car which causes the father to go into a depressive spiral. That night he decides to go into his daughters room for the first time since he found out she was dead. As he enters we see him looking at his daughters possession, all the things she will never use, never touch again. While looking around the room he moves towards the bed and looks at all the photos that she has hanging on her wall. Pictures of his daughter with friends and pictures of his daughter with himself. As he looks through them you see flash backs to memories (Memories of them going to Thetford forest, walking the dog, playing with the rabbits, watching f

Feedback of your Audience Research Findings (25)

After doing my audience research I discovered that it tends to be only the younger generation that watch music videos. Most of the older generation don't tend to go out of their way to watch music videos and only tend to watch them if they come up on the T.V. The younger generation though do seem to watch music videos a lot, especially if they are by a particular artist which the like. The younger generation also tend to consume music videos mainly through youtube which shows how uploading my finished A2 coursework to youtube will enable me to reach my target audience. noise targeting eye-catching My research also showed how many people consume different types of media, in particular T.V, magazines, news papers and films, however they tend to do this in a more digital way. As opposed to buying news papers and magazines, people tend to read them online through their phones which shows how digital media has advanced a lot and people now are less likely to consume things outsid

Audience Research Video 1 (24)


Audience Research (23)

What are you trying to find out in your research? In my research I am trying to discover many things which will help me in developing my A2 coursework. The main thing I am trying to discover is whether people still consume music videos and what the age range is of people who consume them. I am also trying to discover what other media products people consume and if they think that my idea for a music video is a good one or if i should change elements of it.  When conducting my research I went out into Wymondham town to ask people the questions as apposed to just asking people in the sixth-from. There are many strengths to doing this, the main being that it gives me more reliable data. In the sixth-form there are only students and teacher so just asking them my research questions limits the demographic response of my data to just students and teachers. By going out and conducting my research in Wymondham town it gives me a wider range of different people and thus widens my demograp

Forms and conventions (22)

Forms and conventions of a music video How are you planning to conform to forms and conventions?  Have you made a conscious decision to challenge any particular forms and conventions? if so why? If not why? There are many elements in the conventions of a music video in which I will conform to in my A2 coursework. however, there are some conventions in which I will be challenging when creating my music video. The main conventions of a music video are mise-en-scene, camera shots/angles and narrative or performance. When looking at the forms and conventions I looked at them specific to the genre of indie rock music as that is the genre of the song I wish to create a music video for. Most of the typical forms and conventions I will be conforming to when creating my music video. I will be using many different props in my music video in order to convey meaning and understanding to the narrative which will help the audience to follow the story behind my music video. I will also