Planning - Script/Stage Directions/Plot Outline (26)

Plot outline

The narrative for the music video would be a single father and his teenage daughter have gone out one afternoon to the beach in autumn. When they return home though the daughter decides to go out for a walk but she doesn't return that night. The next morning the police come by and inform the father how his daughter had died after being hit by a car which causes the father to go into a depressive spiral. That night he decides to go into his daughters room for the first time since he found out she was dead. As he enters we see him looking at his daughters possession, all the things she will never use, never touch again. While looking around the room he moves towards the bed and looks at all the photos that she has hanging on her wall. Pictures of his daughter with friends and pictures of his daughter with himself. As he looks through them you see flash backs to memories (Memories of them going to Thetford forest, walking the dog, playing with the rabbits, watching fireworks and messing about with sparklers, carving pumpkins and opening presents at Christmas.) He then starts to go through the new photos which his daughter had printed out and placed on her desk ready to hang up. As he goes through the countless photos of his daughter with her friends he comes across the last photo which was from when they went to the beach, the same day she had died after being hit by a car. After seeing the photo the dad becomes angry and starts to trash his daughters bedroom (ripping the photos off the walls, throwing the objects on her desk on to the floor and even throwing a few ornaments across the room, shattering as they hit the wall) He then breaks down sitting on the edge of the bed just staring at the photo, the last photo of him and his daughter together before everything went wrong. The father is then seen putting the photo in his jacket before heading across the room and picking a few of his daughters possessions up and putting them in his pocket as well before heading out to the beach. At the beach the father is shown collecting pieces of wood and tying them together to create a small raft. Using the photo of himself with his daughter as the sail, the father finishes building the raft before placing a few of his daughters possessions on it. He then places a little tea light on the raft before wading into the water to set the little boat free as a final goodbye to his daughter.
Stage directions
Beach scene one
Here I will be filming the father and daughter having fun and messing about. This will involve scenes of them laughing, eating fish and chips, walking along the beach, looking out at the ocean, sailing paper boats in the water and rock pooling. I will use many close shots and mid shots in order to capture both the action and the emotion of the actors. I will also have a few wide shots to show the beautiful surrounding to help create the a happy and relaxed atmosphere.

Beach scene two

In this scene I will be focusing on the father as opposed to the setting. I again will use mainly close ups and extreme close ups to portray the characters emotions. During this scene I will be filming the father making the raft and wading out into the ocean with it. By focusing primary on the fathers emotions during this scene I hope to demonstrate the juxtaposition between the location (which before was shown as a happy surrounding) and the fathers emotions which will help to make this scene emotional to the viewer.


During this scene we will see the father reminiscing about the times spent with his daughter. This scene will involve wide shots, mid shots and close ups to help show all the photos in the daughters room as well as the fathers emotions and reactions to each photo he looks at. 


This is where one of the memories will be and will show the father and daughter together playing and cuddling with the rabbits. This location will also be used to show the father and daughter playing with sparklers. For these scenes I will use close ups and extreme close ups to demonstrate all the happiness felt between the daughter and father so when she dies, it makes it more cathartic for the audience.

Thetford forest 

This again is where one of the memories will be and will show the father and daughter together having a good time. This scene again will use close ups and extreme close ups to demonstrate all the happiness felt between the daughter and father. 


This is where one of the memories will be and will show the father and daughter together having a good time. In this scene the father and daughter will be seen playing with The dogs and generally having a good time. This scene again will use close ups and extreme close ups to demonstrate all the happiness felt between the daughter and father.  


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