Forms and conventions (22)
Forms and conventions of a music video
How are you planning to conform to forms and conventions? Have you made a conscious decision to challenge any particular forms and conventions? if so why? If not why?
There are many elements in the conventions of a music video in which I will conform to in my A2 coursework. however, there are some conventions in which I will be challenging when creating my music video.
The main conventions of a music video are mise-en-scene, camera shots/angles and narrative or performance. When looking at the forms and conventions I looked at them specific to the genre of indie rock music as that is the genre of the song I wish to create a music video for. Most of the typical forms and conventions I will be conforming to when creating my music video. I will be using many different props in my music video in order to convey meaning and understanding to the narrative which will help the audience to follow the story behind my music video. I will also use lighting to help convey the mood behind my video. As the narrative I have planned for the video is very solemn and emotional, I will use lighting to help convey this feeling to my audience (dark and dull as opposed to bright).

Costume will also be a big part of the video though subtle at the same time. There a three main costumes which will be featured in my video and that will be the detective inspectors, the fathers (Alec Stark) and the daughters (Morana Stark). For the daughter I plan for her to wear typical teenager casual clothing. This will consist of autumn and winter clothing that is fashionable but still casual. I wanted the character to where this as it is the typical clothing the teenagers wear and I wanted my music video to be based around autumn which is why the clothes being worn will be autumn and winter based.

For the father I again wanted the character to be shown in typical casual dad clothes which consists of jumpers and jeans. Again due to me wanting to set this video in autumn, most of the clothes will be autumn and winter wear.
Finally for the police detective I wanted to portray them in typical detective clothing. Unlike uniformed police, detectives usually wear their own clothes which usually consist of smart clothing with a long trench coat. However, to clearly distinguish this character as a police detective I will have the character wear a lanyard which has their name, picture and rank on as well as a wallet in which there will be a police badge and identification inside.
I will also stick to the typical forms and conventions when looking at camera shots/angles. In my music video I plan to use lots of close ups and extreme close ups to show important details from each scene and location. I also plan to use a few establishing shots and mid shots in my video to show each location as a whole as well as to show the viewer each of the characters.
However, although I plan to conform to most of the conventions for a typical indie rock music video, there are a few forms and conventions which I definitely will be challenging in my music video. One of the main conventions for this genre is for the music video to have a large portion of performance and little to no narrative. This is a very big convention which I will be challenging in my music video. Unlike typical indie rock music videos I will have no performance element in my video and will instead have the video focus on the narrative only. I decided to challenge this convention as although the song I chose is indie rock, it has a very slow song with an emotional meaning behind it which I wanted to portray in my music video. By having performance elements in my video I feel it would have broken the video up between narrative and performance and that would have made the impact of the emotional narrative less cathartic to the viewer.
What has inspired you to make your short film or music video and how are you planning on integrating and therefore demonstrating this inspiration?
One of the main things that has inspired me to create this music video is the lyrics from the song itself. When I first listened to the song I could feel the emotion and depth behind the lyrics and that inspired me to want to create an equally emotional video to go with it which would move viewers and make them feel more emotional after watching and listening to it.
My Chemical Romance - The Ghost Of You
Lights & Motion - As They Sleep
The other video I drew inspiration from was from As They Sleep by Lights & Motion. I really like the aesthetic of this video and how it all flowed together nicely. This is what i would like to base the filming of my music video on, having nice shots appropriate shots with use of different lighting to make something both emotional and pleasant to watch

This is great Katherine, well done. This will really help you when it comes to the evaluation question of the same name. It will be interesting to see how much your final answer differs when you have finished your construction piece.