'Dragons Den' Pitch planning (18)

My plan for the dragons den pitch.

What brief are you taking? short film or music video
-For my A2 coursework I plan on creating a music video as apposed to a short film. I decided to create a music video due to the fact that I prefer to watch them in my free time and also due to the fact that I think it will be less of a challenge for me to create one. As I am working on my own for the coursework, I wanted to choses the brief I felt would be easier for me to complete on my own. If I had decided to create a short film then I feel it would have been a lot more work I would have had to do and that in the end I would have probably ended up creating a piece that wasn't to the best of my ability. 

The style of music and/or artist 
-For my coursework I plan to use a song by the American band All Time Low. I decided to use the song Nightmares which is from their most recent album, Last Young Renegade. I choose this band and that song due to the fact that All Time Low are one of my favourite bands and I felt it would be easier to choose a song and a band that I liked to create a music video for rather than creating a music video for a random song.  I would say the style for their music is pop punk/rock, although the song I have chosen I quite a slow one and fits more with 

Your idea for the narrative 
-A young man goes into a abandoned house after being dared to spend the night there by his mates. He is walking around the house when he hears a noise and we see him running away in fear. As he turns the corner he (through editing and cutting away) transitions into a young boy (10 - 12 years old). We see him exploring the house and hiding every time he hears a noise/sees something and acting like a frightened child. He is then seen running into the drawing room when he sees a teenage girl dressed in white in the centre of the room (A ghost in a white dress wearing ballet shoes). She stretches out her hand to the boy who tentatively takes it. She makes the boy realise that the house isn't that scary anymore and again (through editing and cutting away) we see him turn back into his adult self. When the song is coming to the end we see him head to the door and right before he leaves we see him turn back in time to see the girl disappear.

Your idea for the performance elements
-For the performance part of my music video I plan to use the person I cast as the young man to do the lip syncing. I will have them do the performance element in a different location to where I film the narrative so that the two parts are completely separate from one another.   

Potential cast
possibilities for the young adult:
-My sisters friend - Nathan 
-Lucy's friend - Oscar 

possibilities for the young boy:
-Any of Chloe's younger brothers 

Possibilities for the young girl:
-My friend Chloe 
-My friend Lucy 
-My friend Emily 

Potential locations 
-Although I don't yet know what location I will use, I do know that I want to film in an abandoned house/building. The place will need to have an old style look about it and not look modern as that will take away from the atmosphere that I wish to create. The place will also need to fairly sturdy and relatively safe as I don't want to put my cast or myself in any sort of danger while filming in the house/building. 

Research done 
-Over the last few weeks I have done a lot of research into both student made music videos and professionally made ones. This research has helped me to think about different ways in which I can film my music video. Another aspect that I have decided to use when creating my music video is lip syncing. After watching a few music videos I felt that including some performance would help to break down my video and would make it seem like a professional music video. 

Anything you want to avoid 
When I create my music video I will want to avoid;
-The audience not understanding my narrative in the music video.
-The performance element not syncing up with the song 
-My cast not being punctual or canceling last minuet. 
-My footage not being aesthetic or clear



  1. Katherine, this is a clearly well thought out and detailed plan. The idea looks great and you seem to have every box ticked at this stage. Well done!


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