My practice task evaluation (12)

Music video storyline

The story behind my music video is a young man is seen unconscious laying on the forest floor when his phone begins to ring. For the duration of the video you see him in a dream state hanging out with his friends and generally having a good time. As the video progresses you begin to see that things weren't perfect with the friends and that they ended up fighting a lot. Towards the end of the video you see how the boy was out for a walk when he tripped and fell down a slope. As he starts to regain consciousness he begins to only think about the good times he had with his friends and how he will never forget the good times he had with them. At the very end you see the boy regaining consciousness and begin to answer the phone. I wanted the music video to show how although the boy lost his friends, he still has the memories of the times he spent with them, and he'll never forget all the amazing things he did with them. 

How did it go?

Overall I felt that my practise task went alright. I managed to come up with an idea using the prompts given quite quickly and easily made a plan for the music video. I felt that my planning for the task went well as I managed to find the locations I wanted to use and I had a good idea of the shots and angles I wanted to use while filming. When it came to editing the footage however, I came to a point where I ran out of the footage I needed to fill the song and had to use some repetitive shots which weren't very aesthetic and I feel they made the video look rough and unfinished. I also felt my shots weren't very aesthetic in general which in turn made the video not look very professional. Another problem I faced was trying to make the footage look like it was a memory/flashback. While editing the footage I added a dream filter over the top to create the effect of the footage looking like it was a memory. However I felt that the filter didn't work so well and I feel that it doesn't make the footage look like a memory but instead just make the footage look rough and as if it is bad quality. I feel that I also could have been a little more creative when doing this task. I wasn't really brave enough I think to shoot something totally unique and different but I feel that my practise task is quite creative, it just could have been a little more so.

What will I do next time?

When I create my music video for my A2 coursework there are a few thing I will do differently to what I did when creating my practise task. This includes:

  • Spending more time planning. As this was only a practise task I didn't spend an excessive amount of time planning the video, however when I create the proper thing I will spend a lot of time researching possible locations and making sure they suit my filming requirements.
  • Making sure that all my caste are free when I want to film and that they know exactly what they are doing and when they need to do it in order to make the most of the time I have filming with them. 
  • Spending a lot of time planning the different types of shots and angles I would want to use and make a detailed storyboard in order to help me know what to do when filming and to help my caste know what they need to do.
  • I will also try and make my footage look more aesthetic so that my overall video looks nicer. A problem I found when creating my practise task was that when it came to editing I realised that I didn't have enough footage which meant that I had to use some of my more repetitive and bad looking footage.   

Are you looking to develop on this idea for your actual coursework?

For my coursework I probably wont be expanding on this idea. I do plan on using another All Time Low song for my coursework though as I really like the band and their music and I feel that it will be easier for me to create a music video to a song which I am interested in.



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