My plan (14)
What is your idea for coursework at the moment?
Song: Nightmares by All Time Low

Who are you planning on working with or are you working alone? Why?
For the coursework I have decided to work on my own due to the fact that I would rather only have to rely on myself than another person. This means I wont have to make sure that someone else is keeping up with the work and when I film I wont need to make sure that my caste and that person are all free on the same days and can make it to the locations needed to film at. It also means I can do whatever idea I like for my coursework and don't have to agree on one with another person.
Where do you want to film?
With the current idea I have I would need to find either an abandoned house or building to film in. I would preferably like to find a building that has an old exterior and interior so that the building has a more creepy and sinister feel to it which it wouldn't have if it looked quite modern.
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