Our practise task - planning (4)

Potential settings Cromer beach Keswick Mill/Eaton marshes Earlham Park UEA woods Apart from the UEA woods all of the above locations have water which is another important aspect of the nursery rhyme which I wanted to incorporate into the music video. In the initial nursery rhyme ' Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water' because of this line I felt that it was important to include water in the music video as it was essentially the cause of Jack hurting his head in the first place. I plan to use most of these locations in the music video to help build up more of a story for the video and apart from Cromer most of them are close to where i live so it'll be easy to access them and film in the locations. Potential cast and characters Jack - This will be the main character for the video and will also be the character that bumps their head which causes them to hallucinate memories from the past. To relate this vide...