
Showing posts from May, 2018

Final cut (58)


Evaluation question 4

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? Construction Within the construction stage on my music video, I used many different types of media technology to create my music video in both the pre and post production of it. This included things like Final cut, a Cannon 750D camera, 64GB SD card and a MacBook Pro. Filming Pre-production While filming my music video I used a Cannon 750D camera to record my footage on. The quality of this camera is much better and sharper and you can see the contrast between this camera and the Sony digital camera that I used for my AS coursework last year. As well as a different camera, I also used a bigger memory card to store my footage onto. During my AS coursework I used a 16GB memory card which was fine for the amount of footage that I needed for a two minuet film opening. This year however, I knew that I was going to need a bigger memory card due to the amount of footage I

Evaluation question 3

What have you learned from your audience feedback? In order to answer this question I decided to collect my audience feedback in the form of two mediums. The first being an online survey which I could share to people easily via social media, and the second being an interview in which I recorded respondents feedback on my ancillary tasks and music video. The online survey gave a wider scope of people the chance to give me feedback while the online interview with individuals allowed the chance to get people to expand more on what they thought. With the filmed interview I decided to specifically ask people who were between the age of 17 and 25 due to this being the target audience for my music video. This would help me to understand more if the products I had made would appeal to my target audience and if not, how I could change them so they would. For the survey I decided to specifically focus on the music video and what people thought about it. I decided to ask six open ended qu

Evaluation question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary tasks? In my personal opinion I feel that the combination between my video and ancillary tasks are very effective. Within all three of the products I incorporated the same photographs so that the synergy between the products were clear. One of the main elements of my music video was the father looking back at the good memories with his daughter through photographs which were hanging up in her room. Because of how important the photos were in the video I felt that it was vital to incorporate them into the ancillary tasks as well. Typically within solo music videos the focus is on the artist and this is then incorporated onto the cover of the digipack and album release poster too. However, due to me challenging this typical convention I had to use a different theme to link all my products together to create synergy, which is where the link between the photographs came in. When first looking at the title of my alb